Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
director: Rafa Antonelli
More than sponsoring Lolla, the challenge was belonging to the festival.
Bradesco is one of the major banks in Latin America and, for this very reason, it could be perceived as an outsider in one of the most hyped festivals of the continent. In order to belong, appearing was not enough.
Interviews dir.: Pio Figueiroa
DoP: Lucas Ferreira
Edit: Arthur Brito, Danilo Pontes
Art Direction: Enio Vital
Art: Caio Beltrão, Iri Santiago, Daniel Carvalho, Gonzagaaa, Denis Freitas
Animation: Lika Maekawa, Marcelo Braga, Danilo Cheng
Motion: Ullisses Soares, Daniel Azevedo, Ivan Franco, Theodoro Simonetti, João Paes, Victor Further
Concepts and Layouts:

Executive producer: Natalia Souza
Project Managers: Regina Knapp, Roberta Frederico, Marco Ettore and Marília Raffaeli